Cat-people versus dog-people.
I know the usual reasoning in favor of dogs: cats are vicious, little tyrants while dogs are loyal friends. I’ve even heard people say that dogs love unconditionally. I agree …
Morning: 10.00am – 11.30am This service includes a Sunday school for key stages 1,2 & 3 as well as a creche. Occassionally we have a family service where everyone stays in throughout the meeting.
Evening: 6.00pm – 7.15pm This service is less formal, with more contributions from those who regulary attend. Open time of prayer, testimony, bible reading as well as a shorter time for bible teaching compared with the morning service.
Mission is to establish village-level loan hubs to provide capital and support to rural women in the lowest income brackets in East Africa
We do not seek to reconstruct the church and monastery of St. Catharine, but to preserve it in a safe condition to future generations.
Our specific goal is to improve nutrition and ensure these orphans attend primary school at Mwererwe Church.
Head of Worship Team
Deputy Pastor
I know the usual reasoning in favor of dogs: cats are vicious, little tyrants while dogs are loyal friends. I’ve even heard people say that dogs love unconditionally. I agree …
Christ is the head of the church. And he does not have out-of-body experiences. To submit to the authority of Jesus Christ over your life is to live in fellowship with the church.
The stranger didn’t know I just watched my brother die. I stepped into the elevator to the neurology critical care unit for the last time.
We are committed to Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Great Commission.