It is a perennial question pondered by the preacher — how long should my sermon be? Recently a friend took an informal poll on Twitter…
I know the usual reasoning in favor of dogs: cats are vicious, little tyrants while dogs are loyal friends. I’ve even heard people say that dogs love unconditionally. I agree …
Heresies never really go away, do they? They just get repackaged, repurposed, and recycled for every generation. And the Church must always stay on guard
The stranger didn’t know I just watched my brother die. I stepped into the elevator to the neurology critical care unit for the last time.
In 1943, C. S. Lewis gave three lectures in Durham later published in one volume as The Abolition of Man. The first of these lectures he titled “Men Without Chests”
Christ is the head of the church. And he does not have out-of-body experiences. To submit to the authority of Jesus Christ over your life is to live in fellowship with the church.